Thursday, July 3, 2008


Last week Gage and Corey went to the Portland Seadogs. Gage got the tickets as a Christmas gift at the family Yankee swap party. After fighting about who got to go with him for 6 months, Daddy won out in the end. We all thought there wouldn't be a game because of all the Thunder and Lightning, but in the end the sun came out and they had an awesome day.
If you check out the picture of "Corey the Rock Star" you will notice the redneck. (I mean the color of his skin, not the man). The sun really did come out and Corey got some nice color from it. I only wish I had a face on picture to show that only his left side was burnt.
As you can all see E-man is growing fast. I love this picture because it shows his AWESOME pitching arm!! Also, this is the last baby shower gift that I got. Thanks Aunt Renee, those crazy 3T gifts at a baby shower are awesome YEARS later. It's kind of sad to see him grow big enough to wear it. Wish he would stop now.

I pulled this picture out of the archives. It reminds me again of just how fast they are all growing. That is Olivia and McKenna sitting talking to Emily 3 years ago. These little girls were all in Big Girl school this year. Was Emily in Kindergarten too? Wow they grow fast. In only a few short years they will be bringing BOYS up to the fourth. I am excited to see pictures of this years fourth, but sad to miss it. I hope I don't miss any of these kinds of nights :

Anyone remember this night? How about you Aunt Kathy?